Twas the night before Germany and all through the Apt.
Not a creature was stirring 'cept me and one cat.
The bags were all packed full of clothes just so
All set for tomorrow when away we will go.
The wife was passed out, sprawled all over the bed
Perhaps conjuring visions of bier in her head.
As I finish loading my ipod and rechecking my list
I hope that there isn't anything that I've missed.
I rub my eyes and stretch and say to the cat
"Well Manny, you know I suppose that is that."
He blinked and rolled over as if to say,
"Pay attention to me, you were out all day!"
And while rubbing his belly I got to thinkin'
All the details of the trip were starting to sink in.
We fly from Newark to Hamburg on a big ol' jet plane
And from Hamburg to Berlin we're taking a train.
Tante Doris is meeting us and with her son we will stay
And Kendra and Hedda will join us later that day.
Ingrid from England will meet us in Berlin
All these women. . . what this trip really needs is some men!
I feel my eyelids drooping like they do on the subway
It's soon time to power down and go hit the hay.
I look forward to flying to Europe like a duck
But twenty-eight verses of this I fear is too much.
It seemed a good idea when I started at first
But I know I can't finish it my eyeballs will burst.
Which is sad because I wanted to include
Something my Grandad said when I was a lil dude.
He would stop when he came to the part "threw up the sash"
And say to me, "I always thought it was 'threw up my hash."
Then we would laugh and giggle because it was silly
And to think of it now it rather still is, really!
Well I know there's an airsickness joke there somewhere
But alas it's midnight and my brain is threadbare.
So I'll leave you now with that great vision
Of vomiting out a window but that wasn't my mission.
But tune in tomorrow or whenever it may be
To find a new blog posted to you all from me.
And now as the garbage truck rolls by in the night
I'll see you in Germany! Boy, these pants sure are tight. . .
My soul has been refreshed with your poetry.
ReplyDeletewow, that's all i got